Butyric Acid vs Sodium Butyrate

Sodium butyrate, i.e. butyric acid, belongs to the group of short-chain fatty acids, which are the main source of energy for colonocytes, i.e. intestinal epithelial cells. The compound is produced in the large intestine by intestinal bacteria, but in some cases its production may be reduced, which can lead to all kinds of intestinal discomfort. In such a situation, supplementation with sodium butyrate may be necessary - what are its properties and action, in which preparations does it occur?

Sodium butyrate - what does it do?
Sodium butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid which contains 4 carbon atoms in its structure, including a carboxyl group. As the name suggests, fatty acids are the main building blocks of fats necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Sodium butyrate is synthesized in our intestines - it is responsible for the fermentation of indigestible fiber from foods rich in complex carbohydrates. Butyric acid is a source of energy for the cells of the colon walls and is essential for maintaining the proper barrier between the colon and the bloodstream.

The right level of sodium butyrate in the intestines prevents all kinds of inflammation of the digestive tract. The production of butyric acid largely depends on the pH of the large intestine - the bacteria responsible for the production of sodium butyrate prefer an acidic environment, i.e. a low pH. Sodium butyrate is an increasingly frequent subject of research aimed at supporting the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Currently, products containing sodium butyrate are used in all types of digestive system pathologies, such as: intestinal inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome or constipation.

Aliness Sodium Butyrate is the only product on the pharmaceutical market that does not use hardened palm oil in the coating process, but stearic acid, which is completely natural. 

The ingredients of Aliness Sodium Butyrate dietary supplement is composed in such a way that the active substance release process takes place along the entire length of the small and large intestine. The product is suitable for vegans, does not contain gluten, lactose and soy, an additional advantage is that it does not contain additives such as: dyes or magnesium stearate.

Sodium butyrate - food derived
Sodium butyrate, or butyric acid, is also found in food, but in very small amounts that it does not contribute too much to gut health. Short-chain fatty acid can be found in butter, milk (mainly sheep's and goat's milk), cream, yoghurt, hard cheeses and in some fermented products, such as: pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut and fermented soy products.

Ulcerative colitis and sodium butyrate
According to studies conducted by specialists, in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis, the administration of sodium butyrate improves the condition of the intestinal mucosa. Ulcerative colitis is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases in which the production of butyric acid is disturbed. This can contribute to undesirable changes in the mucosa of the colon. Disruptions in the production of sodium butyrate result mainly from impairment of butyrate oxidation. Providing the body with sodium butyrate during the course of UC will allow for partial overcoming with the failure of oxidative processes. 

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